The Power of No: How Boundaries Avoid Burnout

Mar 21, 2024     1:30 PM — 2:45 PM
S230 C/D
We need teams to be agreeable and accountable, but what if a lack of boundaries is creating a culture of burnout? Do you empower your teams to say "no" as appropriate? Do you know the signs of burnout and how to lean into empathy to combat them? This session explores the definition of boundaries and the three levels of boundaries present in our everyday lives: physical, emotional, and mental. Learn how to not only set your own boundaries as a leader, but create an inclusive culture that is sensitive to leaner and leaner teams. We'll discuss easy tips for your team to implement to feel more in charge of their time and energy. Giving weight to empathy does not mean being a pushover. We'll also discuss how leadership requires its own boundaries to create growth and accountability.